Innovative Christian Teacher Award

ACSI Nigeria is excited to announce the top 5 finalists for the Innovative Christian Teacher Award.
We celebrate these innovative teachers who:
- Live out their philosophy of Christian education in their school or community.
- Have created innovative solutions to provide quality learning from home for their students or for your community during Covid-19.
- Inspire students to find their path, glorify God, and reach their greatest potential through their innovative solution.
ACSI Nigeria announces the 3 winners for the Innovative Christian Teacher Award.

1st Place,
As a Christian Educator, I believe that I am a leader, a nurturer, a guide and a facilitator whose primary assignment is to produce a living curriculum in my pupils by providing an education that will touch their head, heart and hands. I believe that education is a lifelong process which may be formal or informal that deliberately teaches/enhances the acquisition of knowledge, skill, ethics and beliefs which on the overall will result in a changed behavior. I believe that everything about life and existence on planet earth is worth knowing as long as it will lead to positive transformation in the behavior and mindset of the learner. Learners are made up spirit, soul and body so my methodologies of teaching must address their bodily, spiritual and afterlife needs. They are fallen beings like me but they have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus. This fallen nature makes them emotional, mischievous, inquisitive, easily excitable, talkative, hardworking, playful, etc. I believe that learning takes place during everyday interactions, experiences, through the use of intentionally planned curriculum and all.

2st Place,
So my philosophy as a Christain Educator and an image-bearer of God is that I must live out my purpose as I teach my pupils. I must be consciously reflecting God’s character as I do His work with Him and use the content I teach in my classroom to reveal God’s truth to my pupils. God is glorified when I do my best work, when I treat my pupils as the created, fallen, and redeemed image-bearers that they are, when I seek Him and His truth daily in my classroom and when I acknowledge that I can do nothing of value in my classroom apart from Him and His power. Each day as I seek the Lord’s guidance, I grow in my relationship with Him and my role as a Christian educator and example of Christ in the lives of my pupils. My philosophy is to guide my pupils and every child under my watch spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally, and physically to become lifelong learners under the authority of God and their parents.

3rd Place,
As a Christian teacher, my goal is to teach, such that my students come to know the truth in the subject and its relation to God. As a teacher, I have the mandate to lead every child into a growing relationship with Christ and prepare them to serve Him in the world with a mind of Christ. One of the chief components of God’s image in man is man’s ability to reason. So the ideal educational methodology will encourage each child to analyze, evaluate, and create-to declare God’s glory by being like Him, not just in behaviour but also in the life of the mind. It is also important to know that everything we teach has been affected directly or indirectly by the fall of man. For my students to understand the errors, sinfulness and corruption in a particular subject they must see it in its past and present fallen state. My students must also see the redemptive aspects of the subject matter as it applies to their own experience as Christians and how it must undergo its redemptive process. Finally, my students are to use the knowledge gained to live a fulfilled life in Christ Jesus in this present world. Glorify Him through their words, work, walk and whole lives.
My main goal is for my pupils to learn that they are blessings, unique creations of God, who can experience a personal relationship with Jesus.