ACSI Nigeria

News & Articles

Announcement of Appointment: ACSI Country Director, Nigeria

October 1, 2020

Since the inception of the ACSI Nigeria office in 2011, Mrs. Adun Akinyemiju has faithfully served as the National Director. Her outstanding leadership has extended well beyond the borders of Nigeria into West Africa Anglophone and then to all of Africa. She now serves as the ACSI Africa chair, attending to the ACSI Africa country office leaders and the work of ACSI Africa in general.

Mr. Olusegun Oludipe has worked alongside and under the guidance of Mrs. Akinyemiju since the founding of the office. He has been the National Administrator, managing office operations and the services to schools and educators. Mr. Oludipe has developed and grown as a leader; this included the completion of a Master of Science in Educational Leadership from Cairn University (USA) in 2016.

It is with great pleasure that we announce the promotion and appointment of Mr. Olusegun Oludipe to the position of National Director for ACSI Nigeria effective October 1, 2020. May God grant him wisdom and strength to accomplish the Kingdom purposes in Christian Schooling through the office of ACSI Nigeria.


Senior Vice President Global | ACSI